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The Issues of the African Community

Through the Almighty's House of Restorative Services, AHOI is stepping up to tackle the Black people's biggest generational curses.

Food Insecurity within the Shemetic Community

Food insecurity within the Black community continues to be an ongoing problem that policy makers and community leaders struggle to find comprehensive solutions to. Disproportionate access to nutritious food is a contributing factor to many health and systemic issues that plague the Black community.

According to research conducted by the USDA, “Low-income households tend to eat less nutritious diets than other households” (Golan, Stewart, Kuchler, Dong, 2008). The Social Policy Lab provides a reason for this fact. They write that “food insecurity occurs when food is either too far away or too expensive to purchase” (Ney, 2021). The data below shows that the Shemetic (Black) community is disproportionately food insecure.

Food Insecurity by Race , 2004-19

Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, using Current Population Survey Food Security Supplemental data

A food desert is a type of food insecurity. A McKinsey research study shows that race is a dominating factor when it comes to food deserts. “In majority-Black communities, the prevalence of convenience stores means limited access to fresh, healthy food options. One out of every five Black households is situated in a food desert, with few grocery stores, restaurants, and farmers markets” (McKinsey, 2021). Additional data corroborates the fact that descendants of the diaspora are disproportionately affected by food insecurity and reside in food deserts.

Counties in the US with Above-Average Black Populations are Considered Food Deserts

Source: USDA Food Environment Atlas (September 2020), McKinsey Global Institute and McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility analysis

The systemic issue of disproportionate access to nutritious foods has had severe implications for the Black community, leading to higher rates of diet-related health problems such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. Limited access to affordable, healthy food options in many Black neighborhoods exacerbates health disparities and underscores the urgent need for equitable food access solutions.


The Almighty’s House of Restorative Services seeks to alleviate the stressors associated with this inequity and accommodate the needs of those who need assistance the most. 


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